lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Let me tell you something about him

Let me tell you something about him, but I must warn you, only by the things that you will read about him, you might get deeply in love with him.
He is the most perfect man on earth, yes, I know, every girl says that when she’s in love, but not me, I got to tell you that at first I just observed him, from the distance, to read him, to understand his intentions, and I was wrong since the beginning.
I thought different about him since the first minute we meet, his smile made me smile and by the way he looked at me while smiling and trying to hold my hands on that table of some Japanese restaurant, I was shaking inside, my hands were cold, I couldn’t concentrate.
I really do not believe in first-sight-love, but now that I love him in such short amount of time, I must affirm that since that first night, we just clicked and he always said we would it, and I always said we wouldn’t.
So the days went by, also the weeks, and now we can’t be apart from each other, he is just the way he should be, you know? He is the perfect combination between intelligence and attractiveness, he is smart and kind, he laughs at my jokes and he always looks at me as if I were the only person in the world, and did I tell you that when I am with him, I can’t stop smiling? I think that sooner or later my cheeks will hurt so bad…
He is independent and he knows what he wants, he doesn’t waste his time and he will do anything to spend all the free time he has, with me.
Every time he looks at me and says “Hello my love” with that particular way he has and his very own accent, I actually forget how to speak at all.
He is that kind of man that will write to you a letter and will sign it “Yours”, that kind that will hold your hand while driving, that kind that won’t let anything to interfere his special time with you, and when he holds you, oh dear! That must to be how heaven feels like.
He is that perfect kind of man that is always happy to see you, that asks about your day and says to you to take care when you go home, that one who tells you to spend the night just because he won’t let you go, and you both know that sleeping together, holding each other, is perfection.
He is that half that I was missing, and he loves me as much as I love him, but sometimes we aren’t sure if the other one realizes it.
He knows that I am special and different and he loves that about me, he respects me and he is very gentle, he doesn’t need years to get to know me (me neither), he already knows what I like or not, what I do or not and he just…, he lives every day as the last.
I adore him, he is my other half, and we both are writers, but I have no words to describe him as he is; he makes me feel things I never knew that existed or I only have read about them in some old books.
He is proud to walk next to me, to hold my hand, to hold me and he is only “worried” about being happy and making me happy and comfortable. And yes, he is real, and I’m lucky enough to breathe the same air he breathes, to kiss his lips, to touch his skin, to caress his hair while he closes his eyes.
I know, you want someone like that too, we all do, I hope someday you will be as lucky as I am, to be as happy as I am, to count the hours to see him back, to embrace every single moment that you share, to miss him every single second that you are apart, I hope someday you will feel this for someone, because this is how I feel about him always.
*Photography: Biera Cubilla ©

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